DR. MAONAMARAI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state for the year 1903–4 the amount of money per head of the children in national schools in Ireland contributed from the Imperial Exchequer and local rates respectively on account of educational maintenance; the amount per child in average attendance spent on teachers' salaries; and the amount per child in average attendance spent on books and apparatus.
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. WALTER LONG,) Bristol, S.The rate contributed per head of the children in average attendance from State grants for the year 1903–4 was £2 11d. 9d. The similar rate from local sources was 4s. 5½. The average payment per pupil in average daily attendance in respect of teachers' salaries was £2 8s. 11d. A precise Answer to the last inquiry cannot be given. Books are largely purchased from local vendors and paid for by the pupils. The Board, however, made free grants of books and requisites to the amount of £531 in some exceptional cases; and they made grants of equip- 602 ment for manual and technical instruction to the value of £10,300.