HC Deb 18 April 1905 vol 145 c427

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he will state the cause of the delay in filling the post of assistant superintendent at the Huddersfield Post Office, which has been vacant since October 31st last; and, seeing that the work is now being performed by an officer of a lower class, whether, when the appointment shall be made, the appointment and any consequent promotions will be allowed to date from the occurrence of the vacancy, in order to obviate the loss of the increased emolument payable on promotion to the officers who are not responsible for the delay.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) A revision of the higher appointments at Huddersfield is pending, and until this is settled the vacancy referred to cannot be filled. I hope, however, to come to a decision very soon, and I will then consider whether the circumstances can be regarded as so exceptional as to warrant the promotion being dated back.