HC Deb 17 April 1905 vol 145 c292
DR. SHIPMAN (Northampton)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the report of a recent case in the Clerkenwell County Court in which it was stated that a Mr. F. O. Parsons, a veterinary surgeon of Crouch End, performed certain experiments on dogs; and whether, seeing that Mr. Parsons does not hold a licence under The Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876, it is intended to take proceedings against him.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Akers-Douglas.) As vaccination is, I am informed, a common method of treating dogs as a prophylactic against distemper, it is not clear to me, on the information I at present possess, whether what took place in this instance constituted an "experiment" or not. I am making inquiries in order to ascertain whether such was the case.