HC Deb 17 April 1905 vol 145 c273

Copy presented, of Reports by His Majesty's Agent and Consul-General on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Soudan in 1904 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.

Parish of County of
Name, description, and purpose of each gift, mortification, or bequest, and by whom made. Date of the same. Amount of the same. Manner in which the same is invested. Authority by which such investment was made. Rate of interest obtained from said investment. State whether interest is in arrear; and, if so, from what date. Describe title deeds, and state in whose custody they are deposited. State in what register the deed of constitution and the last title are recorded. Annual income derived from the Trust during the year. Amount distributed to beneficiaries during the year 1904. Number of beneficiaries among whom the Trust was distributed during the year 1904. Has the Trust been transferred to the Parish Council under Section 30 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894; and, if so, by whom.

And (2) of the Parochial and other Trusts upon which the Parish Council have applied for representation in terms

Names of Trusts upon which the Parish Council have made application for representation in terms of Section 30 of The Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894. Person or body to whom application was made. Has application been granted? Where application has been refused, state grounds on which such refusal was based.

—(Mr. Haldane)