HC Deb 10 April 1905 vol 144 cc990-1
MR. CLAUDE HAY (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

To ask the Secretary to the Board of Trade if he will state the number of alien immigrants who have come to the United Kingdom during the last ten years from Hamburg, Bremen, Libau, Rotterdam, Antwerp, and other ports.

(Answered by Mr. Bonar Law.) The number of aliens who arrived in the United Kingdom from the under-mentioned Continental ports in each of the years from 1895 to 1904 inclusive, was as follows:—

and 1900 the constables constituting the extra police force were assigned; the stations from which they were transferred as an extra force; and when the extra force was discontinued to what stations the extra constables were allotted, or if they were merged in the ordinary force in the county.

(Answered by Mr. Walter Long.) The additional force was distributed over a large number of stations in the county, The men constituting the force were drafted in partly from other counties and partly from the depôt. When the extra force was discontinued the men constituting it were merged in the county establishment on the triennial redistribution of the free quota in 1900.