HC Deb 05 April 1905 vol 144 c441
MR. PRIESTLEY (Grantham)

To ask the Postmaster-General if in the fixing of the maximum wages of sorting clerks and telegraphists regard has been had to the relative cost of living in the different towns; and, if so, why the maximum of this class in Lincoln, Boston, and Peterborough is 48s. and in Grantham, where the cost of living is higher than in those towns, the maximum is only 44s.; and why the Lincoln postmen are 2s. higher in their maximum than Grantham.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) Hitherto the wages of sorting clerks and telegraphists in the provinces have been based solely on the volume of business transacted at the particular office, but the cost of living also will in future be taken into consideration. If the sorting clerks and telegraphists or the postmen at Grantham desire to make any representations to me respecting their pay I will consider whether any increase is warranted.