§ MR. HUGH LAW (Donegal, W.)To ask the Secretary to the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the telegraphic cable connecting Tory Island with the mainland of county Donegal was broken or injured during the past winter; and that this cable when in use affords the only means of communication with the mainland during stormy weather when the small boats of the islanders cannot venture out; and whether, in view of the danger both of the outbreak of epidemic sickness, and of the exhaustion of provisions during prolonged rough weather, he can promise that the cable will be repaired at an early date.
302 (Answered by Lord Stanley.) I am sorry that it has not been possible to undertake the repair of the cable to Tory Island during the winter months. In the meantime a suggestion has been made that communication should be established by means of wireless telegraphy, and I hope to arrive at a decision at an early date