HC Deb 19 May 1904 vol 135 cc347-8
ME. CROOKS (Woolwich)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he will state the number of Second Division clerks employed on temporary duty, and the respective offices in which they were serving, who had more than two-and-a-half years Second Division service on the 1st April, 1904; the number of permanently appointed Second Division clerks who had less than two-and-a-half years Second Division service on 1st April, 1904, and the respective offices to which they have been appointed.

(Answered by Mr. Vidor Cavendish.) Number of Second Division clerks employed on temporary duty who had more than two-and-a-half years Second Division service on 1st April, 1904:—

Department. No.
Admiralty 93
Agriculture and Fisheries, Board of 3
Charity Commission 1
Colonial Office- 3
Board of Education 14
Exchequer and Audit Department 1
Inland Revenue 1
Lunacy Commission 1
Post Office 4
Public Works Office, Ireland 1
Registrar-General's Office, England 3
Department. No.
Secretary for Scotland, Office of 1
Scotch Education Department 3
Trade, Board of 4
War Office 135

Number of permanently appointed Second Division clerks† who had less than two-and-a-half years Second Division service on 1st April, 1904:—

Department. No.
Admiralty 6
Agriculture and Fisheries, Board of 1
British Museum 2
Department of Agriculture, etc., Ireland 10
Charity Commission 2
Chief Secretary's Office, Ireland 2
Civil Service Commission 1
Constabulary Office, Ireland 2
Deeds, Ireland, Registry of 5
Education, Board of 24
Exchequer and Audit Department 9
Foreign Office 7
Friendly Societies' Registry 2
Home Office 2
Inland Revenue 58
Irish Land Commission 10
King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Edinburgh 1
Local Government Board, England 16
Local Government Board, Ireland 6
Local Government Board, Scotland 2
Mint 1
National Debt Office 2
National Education Office, Ireland 7
Pay Office, Supreme Court 1
Paymaster-General's Office 3
Post Office 155
Public Works Loan Board 3
Public Works Office, Ireland 9
Reformatories' Office, England 2
Registrar-General's Office, Ireland 3
Scotch Education Department 4
Stationery Office 6
Trade, Board of 18
Treasury 1
Valuation Office, Ireland 1
War Office 4
Works, Office of 6
Total 394

This list shows the number of appointments according to the Registers of the Civil Service Commissioners. Fifty-nine of these clerks had been promoted to the Second Division from lower ranks in the service.