HC Deb 19 May 1904 vol 135 cc338-9

Ordered, That Standing Orders 39,128, and 230 be suspended, and that the time for depositing Petitions and Memorials against Private Bills, or against any Bill to infirm any Provisional Order or Provisional Certificate, and for depositing duplicates of any Documents relating to any Bill to confirm any Provisional Order or Provisional Certificate, also for depositing at the Private Bill Office all Documents relating to any Order under The Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, be extended to the first day on which the House shall sit after the Recess.—(The Chairman of Ways and Means.)

Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Provisional Order. Bill to confirm a Provisional Order, under The Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Act, 1863, and the Acts amending the same, relating to the Farney Bridge and Ballynahow Drainage j District, in the county of Tipperary, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Victor Cavendish and Mr. Wyndham.

Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Provisional Order Bill. "To I confirm a Provisional Order, under The I Drainage and Improvement of Lands I (Ireland) Act, 1863, and the Acts amending the same, relating to the Farney Bridge and Ballynahow Drainage District, in the county of Tipperary, "presented accordingly; and read the I first time; to be referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills and to be printed. [Bill 213.]

Paisley District Tramways Order Confirmation. Bill to confirm a Provisional Order, under The Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, relating to Paisley District Tramways, I ordered to be brought in by The Lord Advocate and Mr. A. Graham Murray.

Paisley District Tramways Order Confirmation Bill. "To confirm a Provisional Order, under The Private Legislation 'Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, relating to Paisley District Tramways, "presented accordingly; and ordered to be considered upon Tuesday, 31st May.