§ MR. P. J. O'BRIEN (Tipperary, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the local band at Borriso-Jeigh, North Tipperary, when performing along the public road are followed by policemen, who keep close to and hustle the bandsmen; and, if so, by whose orders is this course adopted; and, seeing that this little village is burthened with the cost of extra police, notwithstanding that the district is perfectly peaceable and free from crime, will he take steps to secure this village band from being so interfered with, and that the district may be relieved from the unnecessary burthen of four extra police on a population of only 600; and if he will state bow many persons there were convicted of agrarian offences during the past eighteen months.
§ MR. WYNDHAMThe band referred to in the Question usually parades at night and its members and crowd of 1395 followers indulge in groaning when passing the houses of persons whose names it is unnecessary to mention. Two constables accompany the band on such occasions, but they carry out this duty unobtrusively and do not hustle the bandsmen, as alleged. The police force at Borrisoleigh has been augmented by three men, drawn from other stations in the county. Their employment involves no charge to local rates. There were convictions in respect of two agrarian offences during the past eighteen months.
§ MR. P. J. O'BRIENThe band parados in daylight;—not at night time.