HC Deb 09 May 1904 vol 134 c767

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that untenanted land on the Florence Knox Estate, county Mayo, will, by order of the Land Judge, be offered for sale by auction on the 13th inst.; that the Ballina Rural District Council has adopted a resolution requesting the Estates Commissioners to secure the land for the purpose of relieving congestion in the neighbourhood; and that the tenants on adjoining uneconomic holdings have memorialised the Estates Commissioners, with a view to the improvement and enlargement of their holdings by the division amongst them of the untenanted land now offered for sale; and, if so, whether, in view of the fact that the district in question is congested, will he take steps to secure that in this case effect is given by the Estates Commissioners to the intentions of Parliament n passing the Land Act of last year.


An application for the purchase of this land has been made to the Commissioners, who have instructed one of their Inspectors to make an inspection and report.