HC Deb 22 March 1904 vol 132 c388
MR. H. D. GREENE (Shrewsbury)

To ask the hon. Member for North Huntingdonshire, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether the Board of Agriculture will reduce the six months' quarantine of dogs from abroad to three months and, if so, when such order will take effect; and whether he can state how many dogs were quarantined in 1903; and whether the Board has any reason to believe that any of them have since shown signs of rabies.

(Answered by Mr. Ailwyn Fellowes.) It is already the practice of the Board to release an imported dog after three months quarantine in cases where the dog has been under the direct personal control of its owner during the three months preceding its importation. It would be dangerous to extend this relaxation to eases where such supervision was wanting. 367 dogs were landed from abroad in. 1903 and detained under quarantine. In none of these have any signs of rabies been detected.