HC Deb 21 March 1904 vol 132 c242
MR. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Limerick, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will grant the Return standing on today's Notice Paper dealing with Labourers' Cottages (Ireland).


I shall be happy to give the Return provided the hon. Member will alter the dates in Columns (10) and (14) to 31st March, 1904. It would be most troublesome to obtain the information in respect of the period to 21st March.

The Return is as follows:—Return in respect of Labourers'Cottages in Ireland, showing:—(1) County; (2) Rural District; (3) Valuation of Rural District; (4) Number of Labourers' Cottages (a) built, (b) in course of construction; (5) Amount of Loans (a) sanctioned, (b) received; (6) Amount required to be raised annually in repayment of Loans sanctioned; (7) Amount which would be raised by the maximum rate of one shilling in the pound allowed for purposes of Acts; (8) Rate per pound required to raise amount specified in Column 6; (9) Present poundage rate levied on Rural District for Labourers Acts purposes; (10) Amount of Exchequer Contribution for the year ended 21st day of March, 1904; (11) Amount of rent received from tenants of cottages and plots during year; (12) Unissued balance, if any, of County's share of Exchequer Contribution; (13) Totals per County and Province, and for all Ireland; (14) the Return to be made up to the 21st day of March, 1904 (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 198, of Session 1903).