HC Deb 07 March 1904 vol 131 c276

To ask the Secretary for Scotland, if, in view of the fact that the destruction of whales has been prohibited for ten years by the Norwegian Government, and that an influx of Norwegian whalers is expected in Shetland and the Hebrides, measures will be considered by which the danger to fishermen from floating carcases, the nuisance to crofters and others caused by decaying carcases drifting ashore, and the poisoning of mussel-beds, will for the future be prevented.

(Answered by Mr. A. Graham Murray.) The whole matter is having my attention, and the proceedings and methods of those engaged in the industry are being carefully studied, with a view to preventing any serious cause for complaint. The Secretary for Scotland has no jurisdiction over floating carcases. With respect to the question of nuisance on shore the Local Government Board have communicated with the local sanitary authority, and directed their attention to the provisions of The Public Health Act, 1897, Section 32, which will enable them to impose suitable restrictions. No evidence of damage to mussel-beds by the industry has as yet been adduced, and there have only been two complaints in general terms: these are to be inquired into at as early a date as possible.