§ MR. JOYCE (Limerick)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieatenant of Ireland if his attention has been called to the case of Thomas Madden, lock keeper at the Park Lock, on the Grand Canal at Limerick, who is to be transferred; and whether, seeing that this family has been in the service of the Board of Works for a great many years, and that some members of the family are working in Limerick, and that a transfer would mean eviction, he can arrange that this man shall not be transferred.
(Answered by Mr. Victor Cavendish.) It has been found necessary to make certain changes in the duties of the keeper of the Park Lock at Limerick, and to select a man fitted for the new arrangements. This involved the transfer of Madden, and he was offered the keepership of another lock, but declined it as a matter of family convenience. He son has been appointed to the lock which he declined.