HC Deb 27 June 1904 vol 136 cc1227-8
MR. BROTHERTON (Wakefield)

To ask the Postmaster-General how many sub-post offices have changed hands since

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) There has been a slight decline in the amount deposited in the Post Office Savings Banks in the last five months as compared with the amount deposited in the corresponding months of last year. The number and total amount of the deposits during each of the months in question are given in the attached table; to which have been added, for convenience of reference, the number and total amount of the withdrawals in each month:—

the introduction of the new series of postal orders; and whether there are any offices now vacant.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) Since the 1st July, 1903, when the new series of Postal Orders was introduced, 1,573 sub-post offices have changed hands. 346 sub-post offices are at present vacant, or about to become so on the expiration of the customary three months notice, and the usual steps are being taken for filling the vacancies. These numbers are not, I believe, in any way exceptional.

NOTE.—It is believed that these numbers are in no way exceptional. No increase in the number of resignations has-been observed, but the cause of resignation is not usually stated.