HC Deb 22 June 1904 vol 136 c833

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state what was the reason of the failure of the sheriff of the county of Kerry to collect the amount of a County Court decree obtained by the County Council of Kerry against a Mrs. Bridget Hovan of Minish, near Killarney; and if such failure arose from any difference in the law in such matters in Ireland and England.


Under the statute 8 Anne. c. 14 (England), corresponding to the 9 Anne. c. 8, s. 1 (Ireland), goods cannot be taken in execution till the landlord's rent, not exceeding one year, has been paid or secured. The 19 and 20 Vict., c. 108, enacts that the English statute of Anne shall not apply to goods taken in execution under the warrant of a County Court. There is no similar statute in Ireland, and consequently the Irish statute of Anne applies to Civil Bill decrees.


Will the right hon. Gentleman bring about such a change in the law as to allow the county council to levy for these decrees.


I cannot give any pledge.