HC Deb 22 June 1904 vol 136 c815

To ask the Secretary of State for War if he will state what proportion of the £36,677,000 spent last year on the English Army went in the pay of private soldiers, and how much was expended in other directions; and whether he can state what were the corresponding amounts spent by France and Germany on private soldiers' pay and how much for other purposes.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) The amount expended in pay to private soldiers in the year 1902–3 (the latest year for which the accounts are completed) was approximately £7,750,000.

Market price on 29th February 1904.
Securities. Nominal value. Cost price. Per £100. Amount.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
2½ per cent. Consols 258,235 0 4 254,542 2 7 86 222,082 2 3
2½ per cent. Annuities 5,966 7 10 6,013 17 7 85¾ 5,116 3 7
India 3 per cent. 4,932 2 8 5,015 15 1 94¾ 4,673 3 11
Canada 3 per cent. 24,814 7 8 25,438 1 1 97 24,069 19 0
New South Wales 4 per cent. 69,188 13 10 80,003 17 0 106 73,340 0 3
Do. 3½ per cent. (1918) 19,000 0 0 20,623 11 2 97 18,430 0 0
Gold Coast 3 per cent. 10,000 0 0 9,042 11 0 86 8,600 0 0
New Zealand 4 per cent. 4,683 15 10 5,015 9 5 1054 4,941 8 0
Do. 3½ per cent. 14,000 0 0 15,274 19 3 100⅜ 14,052 10 0
Trinidad 3 per cent. 10,000 0 0 9,342 11 0 91 9,100 0 0
Queensland 4 per cent. (1924) 73,654 16 11 80,604 4 7 1031 76,416 18 1
Ceylon 3 per cent. 40,000 0 0 38,330 18 5 93 37,200 0 0
South Australia 4 per cent. (1882–4) 36,820 14 7 69,581 13 5 105 38,661 15 4
Do. (1916–36) 26,611 3 1 102¾ 27,342 19 3
Transvaal 3 per cent. 15,000 0 0 14,782 7 10 95 14,250 0 0
Victoria 4 per cent. (1920) 54,216 8 3 60,035 10 0 105¾ 57,333 17 1
Do. 3½ per cent. 15,325 18 4 16,352 1 1 97 14,866 2 9
682,449 9 4 709,999 10 6 650,476 19 6