HC Deb 20 June 1904 vol 136 cc458-9

laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, That, in the case of the following Bills, originating in the Lords, and referred on the First Reading thereof, the Standing Orders not previously inquired into, and which are applicable thereto, have been complied with, viz:—King's College Hospital Bill [Lords]; Manchester Ship Canal Bill [Lords]; Trafford Park Bill [Lords].

Ordered, That the Bills be read a second time.

Acton Improvement Bill. Lords Amendments considered, and agreed to.

Tynemouth Gas Bill [Lords]. Read the third time, and passed, with Amendments.

Clyde Navigation (Works) Bill. As amended, considered; to be read the third time.

Leyton Urban District Council Bill. As amended, considered. Ordered. That Standing Orders Nos. 223 and 243 be suspended, and that the Bill be now read the third time.—(Mr. Caldwell.)

Bill accordingly read the third time, and passed.

Preston, Chorley, and Horwich Tramways Bill [Lords]. As amended, considered; to be read the third time.

Swindon Corporation Bill. As amended, considered. Ordered, That Standing Orders Nos. 223 and 243 be suspended, and that the Bill be now read the third time.—(Mr. Caldwell.)

Bill accordingly read the third time, and passed.

Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Bill [Lords]. As amended, to be considered to-morrow.

Loch Leven Water Power Bill; Richard Jaeger's Patent Bill [Lords]. Read a second time, and committed.

Education Board Provisional Order Confirmation (Birmingham) Bill [Lords]. Read a second time, and committed.