HC Deb 09 June 1904 vol 135 c1207
MR. M'KEAN () Monaghan, S.

To ask the Postmaster - General whether he is aware that the telegraph room in the new post office at Clones is very small and lighted from an overhead passage, and that the women's lavatory is adjoining this room; and, if so, will he say whether this room was inspected by the Post Office officials having charge of the proper conditions of buildings; and whether he will investigate the matter with a view to improvement.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) The new post office at Clones was opened on the 13th ultimo. I am assured that an excellent office has been provided. In an office of this class a large instrument room is not required and the space now available is sufficient. The women's retiring room opens off the instrument room, but it has separate light and ventilation, and the arrangement is not open to any objection in the case of such a small office. The instrument room is lighted from the roof.