HC Deb 08 June 1904 vol 135 cc1071-2

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will sea his way to; facilitate the promotion of a light railway between Lincoln and Scawby, as designed by the Light Railway Commission, and what sum of money he will recommend Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer to contribute towards the expense of making the line.


An Order authorising the construction of a light railway between Lincoln and Scawby was granted by the Light Railway Commissioners in 1899, under the title of the North Lincolnshire Light Railway Order, and became operative on confirmation by the Board of Trade in January, 1900 The powers so granted for the compulsory purchase of laud expired in January, 1903, while the period limited for the completion of works extends to January next. So far as I am aware, the promoters of the scheme have made no exercise of their powers. The Order as submitted to and confirmed by the Board of Trade did not contemplate the grant of financial assistance on the part of the State or the local authorities, and if such assistance is now desired an amending Order would be needed. Should application be made to the Treasury in pursuance of Sections 4 and 5 of the Light Railways Act, 1896, accompanied by full particulars, the Board of Trade would, if consulted, give the matter full consideration; but I am not in a position to make any statement in advance as to the advice I should find myself able to give.


la the right hon. Gentleman aware that the amount required to supplement the subscription by local authorities is a very small one, and does he know that this is one of the widest agricultural districts in the kingdom without railway accommodation.


I can only-say that any proposal for a contribution from public funds must be made in the regular way, and will be considered in due course.