HC Deb 02 June 1904 vol 135 cc630-1

May I ask the Prime Minister a Question in regard to the intimation which he made a day or two ago as to the business to- morrow? The third subject which he named, I think, was the reference of the Aliens Bill to a Committee upstairs. I think he ought to be aware that there is a very strong feeling on the matter, and that, therefore, it hardly comes within the field of non-contentious measures of which he spoke. Can he not postpone it?


With regard to the Question of the right hon. Gentleman, I hardly think that the reference to a. Committee upstairs of a Bill, the Second Reading of which was passed by as enormous majority, can be described as a controversial matter within the meaning of the statement which I made to the House. What was that statement? It was broadly that I was anxious during the first week after the holidays to put as little strain as I could upon the time of hon. Members. I was abused incidentally before the holidays for making them so long. [An HON. MEMBER: Not abused.] Well, gently criticised; and I do think that to say that on the Friday after we meet we are not to discuss the reference of a Bill to a Committee upstairs is pressing my benevolent intentions towards the House at large rather further than is perhaps quite fair.