HC Deb 13 July 1904 vol 137 cc1469-72
CAPTAIN NORTON (Newington, W.)

To ask the Secretary of State for War if he can give the number of men with less than five years yet to serve in the following regiments, batteries, and battalions which will proceed to India during the next trooping season: 13th Hussars; 19th, 20th, and 28th Batteries of Field Artillery; 62nd, 64th, 77th, and 81st Companies of Garrison Artillery; 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers; 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiment; 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment; 1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry; 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment; and also, as regards drafts, for every regiment, battery, and battalion in India that will require them during the next trooping

Royal Artillery Drafts.
Draft required. Number in unit supplying drafts with more than five years yet to serve.
Royal Horse Artillery Group 1 71 250
Group 2 104 185
Royal Field Artillery Group 1 79 264
Group 2 165 315
Group 3 141 316
Group 4 111 401
Group 5 148 265
Group 6 156 263
Group 7 113 426
Royal Garrison Artillery (including Mountain Batteries) Group 1 159 100
Group 2 148 185
Group 3 136 163
Group 4 154 107
Group 5 114 129
Group 6 121 123

season, and which drafts will be found from their groups in the case of cavalry and artillery, and in the case of infantry from their linked battalions, can he state the proportion of men with more than five years yet to serve.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) The number of men with less than five years yet to serve in the following regiments, batteries, and battalions which will proceed to India during the next trooping season, is as follows:—

13th Hussars 401
19th Battery Royal Field Artillery 134
20th Battery Royal Field Artillery 114
28th Battery Royal Field Artillery 124
No. 62 Company Royal Garrison Artillery 102
No. 64 Company Royal Garrison Artillery 106
No. 77 Company Royal Garrison Artillery 127
No. 81 Company Royal Garrison Artillery 158
2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers 537
2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiment 515
1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment 708
1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry 809
1st Battalion Manchester Regiment 639

The number of men with more than five years to serve in each unit or group finding Indian drafts this trooping season, and the draft required in each are as follows:—

Cavalry and Infantry Drafts.
Draft required. Number in unit supplying drafts with more than five years yet to serve.
6th Dragoon Guards 55 111
1st Dragoons 36 76
3rd Hussars 37 167
4th Hussars 66 139
Royal Scots 2nd Battalion 224 135
Royal West Surrey 1st Battalion 200 99
Royal Lancaster 1st Battalion 169 74
Royal Warwickshire 1st Battalion 207 77
Liverpool 1st Battalion 199 78
Lincolnshire 1st Battalion 225 94
Suffolk 2nd Battalion 27 112
Somersetshire Light Infantry 1st Battalion 188 83
West Yorkshire 1st Battalion 191 89
East Yorkshire 1st Battalion 207 103
Bedfordshire 1st Battalion 270 69
Leicestershire 1st Battalion 105 169
Yorkshire 2nd Battalion 197 94
Royal Scots Fusiliers 1st Battalion 263 77
Royal Welsh Fusiliers 2nd Battalion 199 81
South Wales Borderers 1st Battalion 270 74
King's Own Scottish Borderers 2nd Battalion 223 39
Scottish Rifles 1st Battalion 201 70
Gloucestershire 1st Battalion 156 57
East Lancashire 2nd Battalion 285 88
East Surrey 2nd Battalion 158 141
West Riding 2nd Battalion 194 68
Royal Sussex 1st Battalion 92 217
South Staffordshire 2nd Battalion 185 101
Dorsetshire 1st Battalion 194 76
South Lancashire 1st Battalion 259 99
Welsh 2nd Battalion 232 63
Royal Highlanders 2nd Battalion 93 91
Oxfordshire Light Infantry 1st Battalion 124 124
Essex 1st Battalion 111 105
Northamptonshire 1st Battalion 266 65
Shropshire Light Infantry 2nd Battalion 126 52
Middlesex 1st Battalion 197 62
King's Royal Rifles 2nd Battalion 107 84
Wiltshire 1st Battalion 225 90
North Staffordshire 2nd Battalion 165 112
York and Lancaster 1st Battalion 192 76
Durham Light Infantry 1st Battalion 185 62
Seaforth Highlanders 1st Battalion 80 78
Gordon Highlanders 2nd Battalion 168 110
Royal Irish Rifles 1st Battalion 195 88
Royal Irish Fusiliers 2nd Battalion 319 97
Connaught Rangers 2nd Battalion 147 119
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 2nd Battalion 190 90
Royal Munster Fusiliers 1st Battalion 176 142