HC Deb 11 July 1904 vol 137 c1194

To ask the Chief I Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that the Irish Poor Law Medical Officers' Superannuation Bill has the support of nearly the whole body of Irish Members; and, if so, considering the importance of this Bill, he will consent to make it a Government measure and pass it into law this session.

(Answered by MR. Wyndham.) No, sir; I am not aware that the fact is as stated. I have more than once expressed the opinion that I should be glad to see a Bill become law that was designed to effect a settlement of the question of superannuation upon a basis fair and equitable and acceptable to all parties proposed to be affected. But the Bill before the House would not attain these objects. In my correspondence with the Poor Law Association I suggested the reconstruction of the measure upon a basis that would stand the test of actuarial criticism. Until this has been done the Government cannot consider the question of providing facilities for the passage of the Bill.