HC Deb 06 July 1904 vol 137 cc771-2

Copy ordered, "of Memorandum and Statistical Tables showing the produc-

Cause of accident. Total number of accidents to persons or property. Number of accidents to property. Number of accidents to persons. Total number of persons injured in accidents shown in column 4. Nature of accidents to persons enumerated in column 4.
No. Slight. No. Serious. No. Fatal.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Motor cars 1,624 1,281 462 510 424 73 13
Motor cycles 193 94 120 130 108 18 4
Horses 445 147 332 337 280 49 8
Horse-drawn vehicles 22,113 16,283 7,327 7,584 6,552 842 190
Totals 24,375 17,805 8,241 8,561 7,364 982 215

tion and consumption of Iron Ore and Pig Iron, and the production of Steel in the United Kingdom and the principal Foreign Countries in recent years, and the Imports and Exports of certain classes of Iron and Steel Manufactures (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 240, of Session 1903)."—(Mr. Gerald Balfour.)