HC Deb 05 July 1904 vol 137 cc618-9

Resolution reported from the Select Committee; "That, in the case of the County of Suffolk Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with:— That the Bill be permitted to proceed, provided that the consent of the holders of securities given by the Joint Committee of the Counties of East and West Suffolk be proved before the Committee on the Bill, and that the notices for the Bill be published in the London Gazetteand in the local newspapers.

Resolution agreed to.

Loch Leven Water Power Bill. Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 11) Bill. Reported, with Amendments [Provisional Orders confirmed]; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill, as amended, to be considered upon Friday, and to be printed. [Bill 258.]