HC Deb 23 February 1904 vol 130 cc717-8

I beg to ask the hon. Member for North Huntingdonshire as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, whether the Board is responsible for dealing with the recommendations of the Departmental Committee on Forestry in Scotland, or whether responsibility for sylviculture training in Scotland is shared by any other Department; and, if so, can he state in what respect and to what extent.

(Answered by Mr. Ailwyn Fellowes.) The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries are generally responsible for dealing with the recommendations of their Departmental Committee, but forestry education and educational demonstrations are allied to agricultural education and therefore come under the control of the Scottish Office. Purely experimental work and research, on the other hand, even though carried on in Scotland, fall within the province of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. The two Departments are in constant consultation with one another, and forestry interests are likely to gain rather than suffer by the fact that both Departments are in some degree concerned.