HC Deb 17 February 1904 vol 130 c18
MR. J. P. FARRELL (Longford, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any complaints as to excessive drainage rates in county Longford have been made to the Board of Works; whether he is aware that, in the case of the Camlin River Drainage tax, sums have been levied twice in one year on some tenants, and only once on others; whether any control rests in the hands of the local drainage board on the question of the assessing and levying of the amount; and to whom complaint is to be made in case of overcharges.


No complaints of the nature mentioned in the first and second parts of the Question have been made to the Board of Works. The locally elected drainage board is responsible for the applotment and collection of the rates, and any complaints in this respect should be addressed to that board.


If this matter is not attended to, will the Board of Works take it in hand?


Any complaint of overcharge should go to the Board of Works. If wrongful administration is complained of, an action would be against members of the drainage board or the electors could turn them out at the next election.