§ MR. WYLIE (Dumbartonshire)To ask the hon. Member for Chorley, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, what has been done during the recess for improving the ventilation and sanitary arrangements of the House of Commons, and also if it is intended to do anything further.
(Answered by Lord Balcarres.) During the recess the improvement of the 474 Committee Rooms and of the lavatories has been continued. The fittings of the lavatories over the Members' Cloak Rooms, in the Library Corridor, and the Lower Waiting Hall and elsewhere have been renewed. Sums will be taken in the Estimates for 1904–5 for carrying on these improvements to completion. Immediately after the Report of last year's Committee on Ventilation, experiments were instituted for the purpose of determining details incidental to power of fans, velocities of air passing through washing screens, etc., etc., and the result of these experiments has only recently been recorded. The improvements decided upon can now be carried out, and will be provided for in the Estimates. The various works will be proceeded with during this year, but there is difficulty in doing much while the House is in session.