§ MR. PIERPOINT (Warrington)I beg to ask the hon. Member for Chorley, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether his attention has been drawn to the decaying condition of the bas-reliefs on the arches at the entrance of the Park at Hyde Park Corner; and whether he will give instructions for their restoration.
§ LORD BALCARRES (Lancashire, Chorley)The First Commissioner has had these bas-reliefs examined. The stone-work is reported to him to be in a fair condition, although there are parts somewhat decayed. Experiments are being tried as to the effects of Professor Church's baryta solution on outside Portland stone; when the result is ascertained, the First Commissioner will consider its application to these bas-reliefs for the arrest of the decay. There seems to be nothing requiring urgent attention, and having regard to the great need for restricting public expenditure at this time, the First Commissioner regrets that he cannot promise now to undertake a restoration.