HC Deb 04 August 1904 vol 139 cc992-3

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the action of a gamekeeper, named Robert Lloyd, stationed at Cole-hill, county Longford, who on two occasions recently stopped Dr. Bonus and his brother, a Trinity College student, on the public road, demanding their licences, and threatening prosecutions if they refused to show same; whether he is aware that on 1st August, this game-keeper treated Mr. T. J. Byrne, of Tenelick, in like manner; and, if so, will he, in the interest of the peace of the district, caution this person to desist from such conduct. † See (4) Debates, cxxxviii., 279.


If Dr. Bonus and his brother were found by the game-keeper using any dog, gun, net or other, engine for the destruction of game, it would be lawful for the game keeper, he himself having and producing his game certificate, to demand the production of their certificates under the 8th Section of the 5 & 6 Vict. c. 81; but if the game-keeper did not find them doing any of these things, but merely found them using or carrying a gun, he was not justified in demanding the production of their gun licences—that privilege being confined under the 9th Section of the Gun Licence Act of 1870, to Officers of Inland Revenue or the Constabulary.


The point is that this demand was made on a public road? Cannot the right hon. Gentleman restrain this man?


If a man asks an unwarranted question on the high road it is for the aggrieved person to take what steps he chooses.