HC Deb 28 April 1904 vol 133 cc1437-8

To ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he will see that provision is made in the new Licensing Bill that any award made under the Act by way of compensation shall be clearly defined as between the licence-holder and the brewer, so that licence-holders shall have every protection.

(Answered by Mr. A. J. Balfour.) It is, of course, impossible in the Licensing Bill to define the manner in which the relative shares of the brewer and the licence-holder are to be determined in every case, owing to the immense variety which exists in the relations between the two. The Bill provides that the respective shares of the brewer and the licence-holder in the compensation money are to be determined by quarter sessions, who will consider the circumstances and determine what is fair in each case, and give full consideration to the claims of the licence-holder. The Government fully recognise the importance of the subject.