HC Deb 28 April 1904 vol 133 cc1427-8
MR. J. F. X. O'BRIEN (Cork)

To ask the Postmaster-General whether, in making the promotions pending at the Cork post office, he will carry into effect the recommendations of the Tweedmouth Committee, which stated that, on the

Time of despatch from London. Delivery commences in Paris at
9.5 a.m. viâ Dover 5.45 p.m. the same day.
10.0 a.m. viâ Folkestone 7.40 p.m. the same day.
11.0 a.m. viâ Dover 7.10 a.m. the next day.
2.20 p.m. viâ Folkestone
9.5 p.m. viâ Dover
Time of despatch from Paris. Delivery commences in
(a) City of London at (b) Other London Districts at
9.45 a.m. viâ Calais 6.20 p.m. the same day. 5.40 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. the sam day.
11.35 a.m. viâ Calais 8.30 p.m. the same day. 7.0 a.m. to 7.20 a.m. the next day.
4.0 p.m. viâ Boulogne 7.20 a.m. the next day. 7.0. a.m. to 7.20 a.m. the next day.
8.40 a.m viâ Calais
9.0. p.m. viâ Dieppe 8.30 a.m. the next day. 10.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. the next day.

introduction of the amalgamation scheme, the higher postal appointments are proper to the old postal sorting clerks.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) I am not aware of such a recommendation having been made by the Tweedmouth Committee, and I can only repeat what I have previously said respecting the promotions at Cork, that I will endeavour to secure that the officers promoted are the best qualified for the higher duties.