HC Deb 18 April 1904 vol 133 cc388-9

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord - Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the number of pupils at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin is now about 400 and that the present building is insufficient to accommodate the number of pupils; whether his attention has been drawn to the annual reports for many years past in which this want of accommodation has been repeatedly referred to, and especially to the Address presented to the Lord-Lieutenant on the occasion of his visit to the Academy on 16th December, 1903; and whether, in view of the fact that the present College of Science in St. Stephen's Green will not be required when the proposed new College of Science has been erected and that the general introduction of singing as a compulsory subject throughout the schools of Ireland will largely increase the number of pupils in the Academy in the near future, he will favourably consider the claim of the Academy to be housed in this building.


Representations have been made to Government to the effect mentioned in the first part of the Question. With respect to the proposal that the building at present occupied by the Royal College of Science should be granted to the Royal Irish Academy of Music, I would point out that the building will be required by the College of Science for some years to come and until the new buildings are completed. The question whether, when no longer required for this or other public purposes, the existing building can be made available for the housing of the Academy is one entirely for the Treasury, but I understand that the Treasury can hold out no hope that this will be done.