HC Deb 18 April 1904 vol 133 cc390-1
MR. POWER (Waterford, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, when a particular site for a cottage and plot, under the Labourers Acts, has been selected by the district council and approved of by the Local Government Board and included in the Provisional Order, it is the practice of the Local Government Board to allow such site to be altered by the district council at the request of the occupier or owner of the land without any assent of the labourer named as the specific instance in the representation on which the site was included in the Provisional Order; and whether the Local Government Board gives its assent to such alteration generally on the request of the district council to that effect, and without any direct inquiry as to the suitability of the site proposed to be † See (4) Debates, cxxxi., 460. ‡ See (4) Debates, cxxxii., 850. substituted for the site originally approved of.


The Board is required by Section 16 of the Act of 1886 to consider only the object ions and wishes of the owner, lessee, and occupier of the lands. The assent of the labourer named in the representation is not essential. An exchange of site is not authorised unless the Board is satisfied that the new site is as suitable as that originally proposed. Evidence on this point is obtained from the engineer to the district council or from the Board's inspector.