HC Deb 15 April 1904 vol 133 cc299-300

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland whether he can state if the King's Scholars who were in training at the time of the abolition of the results system received any special consideration, in view of the fact that they signed agreements with the Commissioners of National Education to adopt the teaching profession; whether there was an understanding that their initial salaries would depend upon their classification and position in school, and would in most cases range from £70 to £150; and whether they have been paid the initial salary of £56 irrespective of their positions as principals or assistants.

(Answered by Mr. Wyndham.) I am informed by the Commissioners that in the case of teachers who had entered as King's Scholars for the year of training 1899–1900, special consideration is given to any promotion in classification to which they would have been entitled under the old rules when fixing their future incomes from the State. All candidates for entrance to a training college must make a declaration that they intend bonâ fide to follow the profession of teacher in national schools, elementary schools in Great Britain, Army or Navy schools, Poor Law schools, industrial or reformatory schools. There is not at present, and there never was, any understanding that the initial salaries of such teachers when employed would range from £70 to £150 per annum. The incomes of such teachers vary with the circumstances of their employment.


To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state when teachers entering the service of the National Board in July, 1900, and receiving favourable reports are entitled to an increment, and from what date the increment will accrue.

(Answered by Mr. Wyndham.) The claims for increments of good service salary of teachers entering the service in July, 1900, will be considered this year, and if increments are granted they will accrue from the date subsequent to July, 1900, on which the teachers have completed three years' good service.