HC Deb 14 April 1904 vol 133 cc186-7
MR. HUNTER CRAIG (Lanarkshire, Govan)

To ask the Secretary of State for India if he will state the ports from which wheat and flour have been exported from India for the year 1902–3, and to which countries and ports have they been shipped, together with the respective quantities of wheat and flour.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) The exports of wheat and wheat flour from Indian ports during the year 1902–3 were as follows:—

Wheat. Wheat Flour.
cwts. cwts.
From Calcutta 1,052,978 68,859
From Bombay 390,748 553,024
From Kurachi. 8,848,234 96,188
From Madras 81 3
From Burma ports 109 3

It is impossible to state to what ports these exports went, but the quantities exported to various countries are returned as follows:—

Thousands of cwts.
To United Kingdom 6,683
To Belgium. 878
To France 23
To Egypt 2,346
To Aden 17.5
To Arabia .170
To Hong-Kong 19
To Persia 93
To Turkey in Asia. 18.5
To Australia 25
To other countries. 19

Wheat Flour.
Thousands of cwts.
To British East Africa. 88
To Egypt 7
To Mauritius 112.5
To Portuguese East Africa 8.5
To Aden 150
To Arabia 136
To Ceylon 114
To Straits Settlements 5.5
To Persia 82.5
To other countries. 14

The exports to Egypt include large quantities consigned to Port Said to await orders as to ultimate destination.