HC Deb 18 May 1903 vol 122 cc918-9
MR. D. A. THOMAS (Merthyr Tydvil)

To ask the Secretary to the Board of Education whether the intention of the Board of Education not to dictate to the local education authorities is intended to apply to elementary as well as to secondary education; and whether the Department adheres to the policy of not forcing the representation either of intellectual interests or of denominational interests on any Council with which the Board had to do.

(Answered by Sir William Anson.) The requisites of a scheme for an Education Committee are set forth in Section 17 of the Education Act, and the duties of the Board in respect of such schemes are also there stated. The Board will endeavour to ensure that the schemes submitted for their approval are such as will satisfy the requirements of the Act, and will promote the educational interests of the areas to which the schemes apply.