HC Deb 04 May 1903 vol 121 cc1185-6

To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer from what funds the £5,000,000, estimated to be required for payment by the Imperial Government to the Transvaal, in respect of claims for compensation arising under the proclamations promising protection issued by Lord Roberts and other Generals, has been or will be met; and † See (4) Debates, cxx., 1242. what items, voted in respect of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony (and on what dates voted), are included in the sum of £4,000,000 to be repaid by the Transvaal out of the Transvaal Loan.

(Answered by Mr. Ritchie.) The £5,000,000 referred to in the first part of the Question is a rough estimate, and towards this sum £3,000,000 is provided from Army funds (£1,000,000 in 1902–3, and £2,000,000 in 1903–4), and the balance is to be provided from the proceeds of the Transvaal Guaranteed Loan. Of the £4,000,000 referred to in the latter part of the Question, £3,000,000 is the repayable portion of the grant-in-aid voted on the Civil Service Supplementary Estimates of July, 1901, and the balance represents in round figures a claim by the War Office in connection with capital expenditure on railways.