SIR WALTER FOSTER (Derbyshire, Ilkeston)To ask the President of the Local Government Board, if he can state the number of Metropolitan Poor Law children at present suffering from ophthalmia and ringworm respectively.
(Answered by Mr. Walter Long.) It appears from returns for the week ending 4th April that there were 149 cases of ophthalmia in the district and separate Poor Law schools in the Metropolis, and 203 in the special school provided by the Metropolitan Asylums Board for the reception of ophthalmic children. The same returns show that there were 131 cases of ringworm in the district and separate schools, and 419 in the special school provided by the Asylums Board for ringworm cases. I cannot state the number of children in Metropolitan workhouses and infirmaries at present suffering from these diseases, but I am about to obtain a return on the subject.