§ MR. TOULMIN (Bury, Lancashire)To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that arrangements exist between Germany and Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and Switzerland, Austria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina and Switzerland, and Denmark and Norway and Sweden, whereby postal privileges superior to those of the Postal Union are secured, and that a letter from England which would cost 3s. 9d. is carried between the above-named countries for sums varying from 2½d. to 4d.; and whether he will consider the advisability of endeavouring to secure similar arrangements for this country.
(Answered by Mr. Austen Chamberlain.) I am aware that arrangements exist between the countries named in the Question under which the domestic rate of postage in each is applicable to correspondence passing from one to the other; but, as I have already informed the hon. Member in reply to a similar Question, I am not prepared to propose a general reduction of postage between the United Kingdom and foreign countries to our domestic rates.