§ I said just now that we are not dealing only with the officers of the Nary in regard to our new scheme of 870 raining. We are dealing with every other branch of men who serve in the Fleet. We are proposing to do what I believe will be congenial to many hon. Members—namely, to promote this year sixty warrant officers to commissioned rank. In doing that I believe we are discharging an obligation under which I, on behalf of the Admiralty, put my-self last year when I said the case of the warrant officers was one which deserved the sympathy of Parliament and had earned the recognition of the Board of Admiralty. It was thought at that time that we might meet the case of the warrant officers by devising employment for them in connection with the ordnance depôts; but considerations which seem to me quite overwhelming made it apparent that that was not the best way of utilising the services of these officers. But I think it will be admitted we have more than met our obligations by this step of promotion of warrant officers to commissioned rank.