§ In moving the election of the Public Accounts Committee—
§ SIR A. ACLAND-HOOD (Somersetshire, Wellington)was understood to say he had 391 made further inquiries into the proposed constitution of the Committee, in consequence of what fell from the right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean on the preceding day. When the hon. Member for King's Lynn, the loss of whose services everybody regretted, indicated his wish not to be renominated the hon. Member for Chester was invited to fill the vacancy, and consented to do so. The various gentlemen whose names appeared in the paper had been communicated with through the usual channels, and had all expressed themselves as not only willing but anxious to serve. Under these circumstances it was not for him to put pressure on any one to retire, and he proposed not to amend the list in any way. He trusted that, as the Committee ought to get to work immediately, no opposition would be made to this proposal.