HC Deb 22 June 1903 vol 124 cc68-9
*SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the facts that a British company, formerly carrying on trade at Cape Juby, was constantly warned by His Majesty's Government that the territory formed portion of Morocco, that the factory of a company formed by Lee Brothers of Manchester was ultimately sold, and is now occupied by troops of the Sultan of Morocco, and that a subsequent British private expedition to the same district was treated as unlawful; and, if so, will he say whether he has any official information showing that a private French armed expedition, supported by private ships, has occupied the district of Cape Juby; and, further, which of the Powers have recognised the title to the district of the Sultan; and what steps His Majesty's Government propose to take to settle the boundaries of Morocco.


His Majesty's Government addressed no warning of the kind mentioned to the North-West African Company to which the right hon. Baronet refers. But at the time of the occupation by them of Cape Juby, we declined to promise them material support against the tribes. The company evacuated their station in 1895 upon the following conditions amongst others: that the Moorish Government should pay them £50,000, and that His Majesty's Government should recognise the Sultan's jurisdiction over the territory in question as far as Cape Bojador. I am not aware of any subsequent British expedition to the same district, nor have I any information as to the alleged French expedition, nor as to what Powers have recognised the Sultan's jurisdiction over the coast in question. The present is not a favourable moment for taking action in the direction suggested in the last Question.


Are any inquiries being made, say from Spain?


I cannot say straight off, but if the right hon. Baronet wishes to know, I will inquire.


I will put down a further Question.