HC Deb 30 July 1903 vol 126 c911
MR. BRYNMOR JONES (Swansea District)

I beg to ask the hon. Member for West Salford, as Church Estates Commissioner, whether the Ecclesiastical Commissioners make any inquiries, before assigning any grant or benefaction to a parish, as to the conformity by the incumbent thereof to the Ecclesiastical Law; and whether, in view of alleged illegal practices among a section of the clergy, he is prepared to give, on behalf of the Commissioners, assurances to this House that grants and benefactions of whatever kind will be restricted by them to those clergy who render obedience to the Book of Common Prayer, the Articles of Religion, and the Law as determined by the Courts having statutory jurisdiction in matters ecclesiastical.


The Ecclesiastical Commissioners make no such inquiries as are suggested in this Question. Grants out of their Common Fund are (with the exception of some curate grants) of a permanent nature, and not made on the ground of the personal claims or merits of the particular incumbent who happens to hold the benefice for the time being.