HC Deb 22 July 1903 vol 125 cc1447-8

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the total amount of British exports into each of the self-governing colonies for last year (not including war material, etc., to South Africa), and the total amount of foreign exports; also the particulars as regards India and other British possessions in the same way.


The imports from the United Kingdom and foreign countries into each British possession in 1901 are given in the Return C, 1638, which has recently been laid before Parliament. The figures for 1902 are not yet available for many of the colonies. Exports of British produce to each colony in 1902 are given in the Annual Statement of Trade, Vol. 2, and also re-exports of foreign and colonial produce from the United Kingdom to each colony.

MR. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

Are we not to have fuller Papers laid on the Table, or are we to be referred from pillar to post amongst the Blue-books. Am I not right in understanding that we are to have a précis in order to bring the subject before the country to aid in the grand inquest of the nation.


The Question was specific, and I have given an Answer to the best of my ability. It is impossible, as the hon. Member will admit, to give all the figures asked for in reply to a Question.