HC Deb 21 July 1903 vol 125 c1305

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether a case of illegal infringement of the Fair Wages Resolution of 1891, in connection with the tin plate workers, by the firm of Messrs. Francis & Son, of Deptford, has been brought to his notice; whether he is aware that, according to an undertaking arrived at in 1897, the firm agreed to pay not less than 8d. per hour, whereas they are now paying only 7d. and 7½d., and whether he will use his good offices with the firm in question in the interest of their employees.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) The attention of the Secretary of State for War has been called to an alleged infringement of the Fair Wages Resolution. The undertaking referred to applied to a contract in 1897. The present case will necessitate a fresh inquiry, which now awaits particulars which a deputation of the workmen promised to furnish.