HC Deb 21 July 1903 vol 125 c1318
MR. NANNETTI (Dublin, College Green)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General if he is aware that, under the new leave regulations introduced January, 1903, into the Dublin Sorting Office, payment for bank holidays was withheld and the privilege of having a day off when it suited, in lieu of bank holiday, withdrawn; and whether, seeing that this was an abrogation of the accepted recommendation of the Tweedmouth Commission regarding bank holidays, will he consider the advisability of reverting to the old system.


Payment is still made at Dublin for bank holiday work when the hours worked are too few to justify the granting of a day in lieu. The present system is a necessary condition of the arrangements under which the entire force are enabled to take the bulk of their holidays in the better months of the year, and I am not prepared to revert to the old system.