§ MR. GALLOWAY (Manchester, S.W.)moved an Amendment, the effect of which he said was to extend the Bill to Ireland. It would be in the recollection of the House that when the measure was last under discussion the House decided that it could not extend to Scotland. In a Bill of this year Scotland had been dealt with, but they had no knowledge that the Government proposed to deal with the question in Ireland, and therefore there 1092 appeared to be a good reason why this Bill should be extended to Ireland.
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)No, no.
§ MR. GALLOWAYsaid the Bill in its present form was very different to that first printed. Since it was last under consideration they had put in a clause which enabled an appeal to be lodged at Quarter Sessions against a decision of the First Court. Whatever objections there might be to extending the Bill to Ireland without those appeals could not now be held.
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELLsaid that there were no inns in Ireland.
§ MR. GALLOWAYthought the definition of an innkeeper must be sought in the Act of Parliament. The Act of 1863 clearly defined that an inn should be a public house, and consequently an innkeeper would be the person keeping it. There could be no doubt that according to the Act of 1863 although in Ireland they had no licence in the same way as they had in England, they had innkeepers in that country, and this Bill would be practically as applicable in Ireland as it was in England.
Further Consideration, as amended (by the Standing Committee), deferred until Wednesday next.
In moving the adjournment of the House—
§ MR. ANSTRUTHER (St. Andrews Burghs)asked to be allowed to state for the convenience of hon. Members that the Chief Secretary had put down the Irish Votes for the business on Monday.
§ Adjourned at twenty - eight minutes before Six o'clock till Monday next.