COLONEL LONG (Worcestershire, Evesham)To ask the Secretary of State for War if he will state what is the average cost per year of an infantry soldier in England, including share of barrack accommodation and regimental officers, but not any Staff or departmental expenses, when he is serving with a battalion on lowest home establishment, when serving in an ordinary peace depôt, 1139 supposing him to serve a year in it, and when serving in one of the larger depôts of 600 or upwards which were started during the war.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) As regards the trained infantry soldier at home my hon. and gallant friend will find figures comprising the personal charges of the individual soldier, including a rate per head for barrack accommodation, in my reply to a Question put by the hon. Member for East Bristol on 26th May last.† It would be very difficult to give figures in respect of the additional cost of regimental officers in a battalion and at a depôt, and they would be very misleading for purposes of comparison, as the functions of a battalion and depôt are dissimilar.